BEFORE APPLYING : you must read the disqualifications here and the privacy policy here
Please send your name , the name of your site and your url and which award you are applying for to my e mail address: ( click on link) I will review your site as soon as my time permits , usually within 2 weeks. Only winners will be notified .
Sandra Gerbers helped me to get my many awards "in order ", helped me organize them and has been a wonderful friend since then! (please see my "awards received" pages for her beautiful awards she has given to Seabreeze Bulldogs.)
Qualifications: These are the things I look for !!
award created by Sandra Gerbers
Kerri Batcho created the frames and banners and this award , thanks Kerri , you have helped me more than you will ever know....
Batcho Web Design
This award program was started to help others improve the World Wide Web and at the same time show my appreciation for the many awards that have been presented to Seabreeze Bulldogs and the ones that are given to me as personal gifts. These all are so greatly appreciated everyone. Your kindness will not be forgotten. My hope is to give well deserved attention to the many sites that are beautiful and informative.
Content: Fun! ......and/or Interesting! ....... and/ or Informative! ...... When I visit your site , I want to learn something! .... I want to feel something! ... I want to think I am so glad I found you!! ......I want to enjoy my visit!!....I want to come back for more!.....
Design: I love a nice layout with the theme and background the same throughout the entire site! I love beautiful things!! Classy !! Well put together!!!
Navagation: I want to see all your pages, I don't like broken links!!
Sites will be reviewed within 2 weeks and winners will be notified and listed on the Seabreeze Bulldogs Circle of Winners Site Awards Page. Awards granted must link back to Seabreeze Bulldogs and cannot be resized , cropped or altered in ANY way at all. The creators of these awards were kind enough to make them for me , and altering them would be an injustice to the creators of these awards and to the awards themselves.
If your site is adult , pornographic, illegal or racist.
If you do cannot provide me with a correct e mail address, and correct url.
If you have less than 4 pages of content, links are not content.
Pop up advertising, I do not like this at all!!
Sites that crash my browser or freeze my computer.
Copyright infringment, if it is someone else's , please give them credit.
If you are younger than 13 years old. This is due to C.O.P.P.A.
The information you submit to this site will never be distributed, sold , loaned or made available for any reason. You will not be added to any mailing lists.
Your e mail addess will be used to contact you regarding this award application and for no other reason.
Good Luck!! ...There are the 2 awards you can apply for .
If you have done something special for someone, or feel your site has helped changed the life of other people or animals....(don't be shy!!) everyone deserves recognition!, apply for this award...
This award is for beautiful and / or informative sites that also meet the above is possible to receive both!, never know until you apply...